Tour VI


Trip: Kasane, Botswana to Vic Falls (80 km)

Lodge: A’Zambezi River Lodge (

Activities: Victoria Falls, Bridge

Notes: Today we had an early start since the Zimbabwean border takes notoriously long to cross. Our guide however told us that we made the fastest crossing he ever experienced. With two stamps and a visa more we first went to see the Falls. And they were definitely breathtaking. It is hard to explain the feeling of standing at the edge of a canyon watching a river pour with immeasurable power down into the gorges below and being drenched in mist from the waterfalls. The time went by too quickly. I could have spent hours looking at this raw natural beauty and my heart ached to leave. We arrived at another wonderful lodge wet but happy. As a hotel employee told us: “If you haven’t been babtized it doesn’t count.” After a shower and a change of clothes we had the chance to see the falls once more from the bridge connecting Zimbabwe to Zambia. In the evening we had our farewell dinner which was filled with good food and emotional goodbyes. The troupe had become fast friends and continuing on without them seemed strange. Thankfully we won’t immediately lose sight of each other thanks to modern media.

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